Disposible Lives - a celebration of hope
Film: Ben Johnston
Three characters are found rummaging through rubbish bins on the street. It transpires that the rubbish is in fact representative of each of the individuals' fractured hopes and dreams - ‘jig-saw pieces’ of their life-story. Each life-story unfolds before us with tangible humour and sadness, hope and hopelessness, hurt, joyfulness and tender beauty, expressed through an exciting and compelling fusion of physical-theatre, contemporary dance, monologue, poetry, mime and rich symbolism.
Recycle: Disposable Lives explores the questions of isolation, value and human fragility and belief through the tragi-beauty life stories of various different characters: an elderly, ex-military man sits slumped on a park bench, mumbling to himself, unable to reconcile his past respected position with his current reality; a faded beauty and former academic scholar, scrabbles amongst street rubbish, searching for anything that perhaps might help her to shake off the haunting memory of her own aching loss.
A young girl who appears to have barely shaken off her teenage years, retreats into the street shadows; a suspected runaway, she looks out-of-place on the street. Her exact story is unclear, her rampant vulnerability is not! “It isn’t safe here anymore…” she whispers from inside her own World, but where else can she go? Will these lives continue to be side-lined and considered disposable by society - or can they be recycled and restored to value and meaning?
This 75-minute physical theatre piece comprises of multimedia, installation, dance, poetry, monologue, movement and both live and recorded vocal which is all evocatively harmonised by specifically crafted integral soundscaping and lighting design.

Brilliant concept, excellently devised, the juxta-position of the beautiful and the grotesque within the choreography was particularly clever and effective. (International theatre critic).
This piece upset me a lot. How do we live with ourselves? So very dark and sad but also very hopeful and redemptive too! - Thank you. (Performing Arts faculty tutor).
Incredible depth, tragedy, humour, fun and challenge - wow! I really wasn't expecting all that. (Ph.D. student).
More audience feedback:
A very brave, powerful and relevant performance piece. Extremely moving and passionately hopeful.
Complex, intriguing, compelling and ambiguous. Not sure what to do with it but I need to do something!
Disturbingly beautiful.
This is a very well thought out, very well devised and very well performed physical theatre piece. We need much more of this. (Events Manager).
I'm not sure if I can handle the emotional roller-coaster but I need to see this again!
A lot of this, what you showed tonight, was my story. Thank you