Reflections of a Man
An evocative, humorous, deeply touching, yet delicately challenging solo physical theatre piece. Portrayed through tender and compelling movement-theatre expression.

Reflections of a Man begins in a timeless time, before time in fact. 'Man' emerges from a primal soup, is breathed into and so both the journey and the questioning begin…
Portrayed through a fusion of movement, theatre, poetry, mime and live vocal, the piece opens to find the 'philosopher’ reflecting and pondering on the question: “What is a Man?” Not content with fact, figures, or fashionable statements and opinions the philosopher is compelled to delve deeper and deeper into exploring the reality of ‘man' - not just the image, but the very identity.
As the piece unfolds, through a crafted fusion of movement, theatre, poetry, mime, vocal, symbolism and physical-metaphor we are introduced to, and taken on a journey through the unique lives, endearing personal identities, and tangible experiences of a small handful of different characters, all of whom offer a rich physical-dialogue and delicate insight in the pursuit of an answer to the initial question: “What is a Man?

All the while the philosopher ponders, notes and absorbs all that is unfolding before him, reflecting on, and embodying individual stories and experiences as he continues on his journey and pilgrimage.
As the journey hints toward a conclusion, the memory and legacy of each individual character’s story lingers on - each character’s story offering compelling physical-dialogue and yearning insight into the paradoxical simplicity and complex identity of ‘man’/kind.
Relevant and relatable to all man-kind, “Reflections of a Man” is an original 50-minute solo physical-theatre performance piece.

Deeply, deeply powerful, yet extremely immediate and accessible. There were moments of dark tragedy as well as moments of pure fun and play too. A totally mesmerizing performer. (International Theatre Critic)
Powerful, compelling and deeply moving (TriMedia Festival, Colorado, USA)
A beautiful, beautiful mover, I could watch (him) move all evening (Prague Fringe Director).
...a performer of such obvious high quality mime skill... (Professional Actress – New York).
I have never seen anything like this before! It was wonderful, very sensitive and when (Danny) spoke in the darkness it was magical and so very powerful (professional business manager).
Very smart, well devised, oh it was so beautiful and so moving (Professional performer).
The ‘father and son’ section really resonated deeply with me, it is a great show that inspired me. (Professional ‘Fringe’ Actor – New York).
That was fantastic! – wonderful. It’s a shame it was such a small audience. We need more of your work performed a lot more often! Thank you. (Events organiser).
You get more and more sucked into the show with every minute of it, as the actor really, amazingly gives life to all of the characters, making them likable and believable and very real. Definitely one of my favourite pieces of the fringe. (Fringe worker and box office).
Totally absorbing, intensely moving. (Moser Theatre, Oxford UK).
Original, honest, extremely skilfully performed - a very exciting piece of physical-theatre. (Kentucky State University Performing Arts).
An extraordinary piece, by an extraordinary performer. (Oxfringe Festival, Oxford.
Unique, eloquent, a little uncomfortable and quite beautiful. (N.O.W. Colorado, USA)
Wow! - How do you even begin to create a piece like that? (MA Performing Arts Student, Russia).
A Great piece – congratulations – well done!
Clever and very moving. I’m surprised how deeply this touched me
Wow! – Thank you so much!
Very clever and very powerful