Integration of Faith and Vocation Arthur J Miller Jr

"What was most beneficial about this programme was discovering the fingerprints of God in my life. Seeing the gifts God gave me and then looking and discovery ways and possibilities of integrating them in the present contexts of life, i.e., looking for His call. Making peace with what and who God has made me to be as one designed and called by Him ... accepting who He has made me to be and by enjoying and functioning in those things. " (Brent, Worship leader)
The tragic failure of psychology over the last century to discover a rudimentary science of persons for understanding human nature and predicting individual behaviour has been a disaster for the majority in every generation. As a result, our foundational institutions of education, work and religion are built on faulty models which do not reflect the actual nature and behaviour of persons. People are seen as in-process, incomplete, adaptable, infinitely malleable, raw material to be shaped by their parents, teachers, bosses and clergy, on the road to becoming who they will be. It is why so few have a sense of personal identity, a void which dogs them throughout their life. Read more....